The House

From House of Hozz
Revision as of 21:31, 26 August 2008 by Oswald (Talk | contribs) (Life Atunement)

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The general idea is nailed down, details are flexible.

This is the 'House of Hozz'

The house is a magical nexus allowing travel to other worlds. House Prime exists spacially in the realm of the Fey but by using different exits or hidden portals you can either travel to parralell houses in different worlds or exit the house into various universes. The external apperance of Earth House is that of a small, cartoonish, one bedroom house. The brothers discover more portals and more of the House's true nature as the story progresses.

Earth House is originally unrelated to House Prime. The connection and adventure begins when Oswald installs a new front door. It is really the door and not Earth House which provides the link. The brothers may originally become seperated or confused after the installation of the door, those on the inside of Earth House walking out the door into the land of the Fey and those on the outside walking into House Prime. Other connections to other worlds (such as Zarth) may be established by the hozz brothers themselves, or by other characters, probably exsisting from before the hozz brothers arrive.

Some questions that need answers:

The info here is in a state of flux, everything can be changed!
  • Why was the house acquired by the brothers (as opposed to anywhere else)?
  • What is the houses significance?
  • Who built the house?

A Few Options

Founder: Durand

house prime was built by Durand long ago. even long before his involvement with Llieah. Durand moved in later on in life and left house prime abandoned. When Oswald installs the door and connects to house prime, it has already been abandoned for decades. When Durand fled to earth and went into hiding, Oswald was born in Earth House. So his strong connection with that place helps rejuvenate his dormant fay abilities. Since fay powers are tied with birth place, the other three might not even recognize their potential until they reach the land of the Fay.

Nexus attraction

The house was built by a wizard from earth. He succeeded in traveling to Faierie, which weakened the barriers between the worlds in that spot. He therefore built his house on the location, to better employ (and guard) the 'well troden path'. Oswald's fay nature and powers created a way to get back to Faierie, and the shortest path was to the house because of the wizard's former work. The wizard also traveled to several other universes as well, which attracts connections with them to the house also.

Life Atunement

The house is actually in the middle of the Garden of Life. The high magical concentration of the Garden attracts connections with life from other worlds. The house travels with the Garden, and is protected from the Lindora by... Magic.