TwinWorld origin

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This is the creation story of TwinWorld

The First People

In the beginning Tanodia placed the first glyph in the void and there was the adamant, smooth and flat without wrinkle or mark. It reflected the light of Tanodia's presence, and everywhere there was a vast expanse. Then Tanodia wrote a glyph in the midst of the adamant and the flow of the adamant began. His glyph carried the adamant ever downward beneath it, until a great pit was formed. Tanodia wrote another glyph on the adamant, and the adamant welled with gems, crystals, metals, stones, and glittering sand. The pit was filled with beauty, and the whole of the world was clothed in splendor, but it was still and silent, for no air was made and nothing moved save for Tanodia Himself.

Then Tanodia wrote on himself the enduring glyph which means "I will create life to share in my joy and my riches." From Tanodia's self-glyph, creatures sprang forth, the Toruhl and the Fala, of the depths and the Outer Fire. The creatures filled Tanodia's creation, and burrowed in the fruit of the adamant and swam in the void. Tanodia saw the Fala's joy, and placed another glyph on the void to fill it with light and warmth. When Sultar, one of the first Fala, saw the glyph being made he coveted Tanodia's power. So it was that when the glyph was completed, that Sultar went to it and sought to weild it. The warmth and light took on Sultar's will, and grew into a mighty inferno. Many of the Fala fled far from Sultar, but those who desired strength over others drew near and learned of the consuming fire that Sultar had created. But the Toruhl withdrew deep beneath the earth and hid themselves from the fury of the heat. Thus was the surface of the ground scorched and wilted and made un-lovely. Then Tanodia, seeing that the kindly light he had created had scorched the ground, engraved the void a third time, and wrote above the pit a glyph of protection. The SoidCloud descended on the ground and flowed out over the surface of the fruit of the adamant and wreathed all in a dim light. Then Tanodia wrote a glyph of exhalation in the pit, and the air came bubbling up from the depths and churned in the fruit of the adamant, and the Sultar were dismayed. The air rushed up and supported the SolidCloud like a tent and fanned the flames of Sultar's flame into an all consuming blaze that none but the flaming Fala could withstand. From Tanodia's life-glyph then came forth a new thing, plants grew in the space between the SolidCloud and the tumult of the pit, and steadied it, and made it firm. The Toruhl were displeased with plants, however, and withdrew closer to the adamant, and grumbled among themselves, "Tanodia means to consume our treasures with creeping things." and they grew jealous of that which Tanodia had made to be enjoyed freely, and began the first hoards.

Then Tanodia saw the greed of the Fala and the Toruhl, and wrote on himself a second time, "I will not allow living spirits to long abide to steal and ruin, and all will come to naught at last." and from the glyph came forth death and decay. The Fala grew dim and burned to cinders, and the Toruhl turned slowly to stone, and the SolidCloud grew thin and powerless as it went, and the fruit of the adamant was consumed by fungus and rust, and the adamant itself began to ripple and carry all things into the outer fire that it would be consumed by Sultar's wrath. But still the adamant bore beauty as at first, and the SolidCloud still protected the pit. Tanodia then wrote on himself a third time, "I will create a pair of stewards to guard the air and the fruit of the adamant." Thus the first people were made, the Fay and the Zarth. The fay loved the open expanse, and cavorted in it and danced in the light. The Zarth loved the fruit of the adamant, and made deep delvings within it and rejoiced in Tanodia's craftsmanship.

Thus the world was made fast and the two peoples filled the pit and the sky while the Fala blazed beyond the clouds and the Toruhl skulked in the depths.

The Making of the Lesser Creatures

When the Aged Ones had begun to decay, and the Zarth had long since done battle with the terrors of the deep, alas in the places between the sky and the deep was found only the fruit of adamant which turned its once rich fruits to there final decay. There was little union between the two peoples of the world but there was, for a time, found a common test of pride and greed. The Zarth are the masters of all things made from the fruits of the Adamant, as was their created task set before them by Tanodia. Great works of joy and ballads of the elements, along with the use of strange and wondrous powers is the right of the fay, fashioned to them by there creator. Zealous were there ambitions, foolishness was the plan, for they unwittingly set about to pervert the pure gifts that Tanodia had given them and create for themselves life out of the earth between. The stench of there work smote Tanodia and he was wrought with sorrow.

Though the Zarth and Fay, who consorted together, were the masters of there crafts, it took a great many hands, and the masters had taught new masters before there work was finished. Complete was their work; Crude and ugly was their creation; Alas they had fashioned for themselves life from their pure Tanodian gifts. They called their life the Lindora and it stood taller and broader than the fragile vegetation of the earthen adamant. From their labor they produced two sects of these herbs, both spawned from the expanse of their diverse craftsmanship but there was discord in their work and so both plants were formed.

Alas the true fruit of there work was pride and greed, the taste of which is war. So the first blood was shed between the races. Tanodia's wrath was kindled by this and he stretched forth his might and his being appeared before his creatures and wrote on the lindora the glyph "You have betrayed my powers and wisdom I have gifted upon you as guardians of this place, and doing such have taken the life from your brothers. AS you have fed the vegetation you have crafted by your labor so shall you feed its hunger with your life, and by doing so I will make true beauty from your abomination. All the expanses of this world will see that the craft of life is mine to wield." by his glyph the Lindora sprang forth and consumed the fools who had sought to claim Tanodias power.

In the life of its victims, the Lindora grew mighty and strong. They rose above all the the fields of the earth and traveled its barren plains consuming Fay and Zarth alike. This mass of twisted lindora is still known as the garden of life after the life that it consumed. In the deepest place of the garden of life the workplaces of the masters are safeguarded by the very creatures that were constructed there, preventing any living creature that dares enter into the writhing mass of the most ancient of lindora from ever learning of the true horror and madness of their makers.

It was at this event the first measurement of the passage of time began. From the first breeding cycle of the garden to the next was the measure and it was in this first cycle that Tanodia wrote his last great glyph. "Never will my spirit be distant from this place and my very being will be the source of life on the places between the cloud and the pit." The glyph begat water. A single source of ever beating water came to be, and it filled the low places with deep waters and the once meager vegetation upon the upmost parts of the Adamant became fruitful and grew green and firm. The Heart of water was unfixed and bore about the spirit of Tanodia wherever his will directed it.

Tanodia then fashioned himself a great tree, like none found among the mightiest of stone, nor the most expansive cloud. The roots of the tree delved deep into the Tumult and its branches grew into the high places of the world. Tanodia took hold of the tree and shook it once and from the foliage there came forth all forms of winged creatures, He then knocked on the trunk three times and from his base came forth all the beasts of the earth that walk and crawl and roll and bound across it. Tanodia looked out from within the world and wrote upon the tree "the authority to spark life and fashion creatures of flesh is mine. By this, all will know that i am master of this place and all things have come to be by my will."

--Zack 09:34, 19 May 2010 (UTC)