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<allpages gapcontinue="SeedburstNarrativeNotes" />
<page pageid="134" ns="0" title="Regiments">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">{{Status|0}}
[[The Zarth]] Regiments (or just regiments for short) are the main government of the Zarth. Some Zarth choose to live outside the regiments, and others live as outcasts.
The regiments remain fairly static in their overall form, but the internal structure (and who everyone reports to) changes as bands of Zarth roam up and down in the authority chain. See the [[The_Zarth#Zarth_Culture|Zarth Culture]] section for more information.
=Structure: Regimental Command=
Keeping everyone in line. The regimental command is the highest authority among the Zarth. It is ruled by [[The Victor]].
All raw materials
Tunneling and excavations, as well as storing useful mine products
Sorting and grading ores, and smelting into usable raw metals
Sorting brittle materials and gemstones, doing engraving and shaping of gems and rocks
Harvesting mechanical energy for use in other processes or magic
Designing useful and beautiful things to make. Usually, Zarth in this regiment have worked in both the Materials and the Construction regiment.
Fabricating everything from the 'Design' regiment
Making sure that in-use tunnels don't collapse, very important!
Making stuff that isn't designed to move around
Making stuff that moves around
Taking care of all the jobs that don't involve making things
Getting Zarth from here to there
Keeping Zarth fit and fiddling
Killing stuff
Killing stuff over there
Killing stuff right here
Killing stuff that was never alive to begin with
Finding all the cool things that no one knows about yet
Exploring toward the source of air.
Exploring toward the source of [[Aether]].
Exploring toward the [[Horizon]].
<page pageid="143" ns="0" title="Reunion">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">This is the "how the hozz brothers get to be in [[Faierie]] plot arc.
Before this plot arc, we need to have established Zack's necromancy, by way of [[Driving lesson]]. This gives Zack some motives to explore his new powers, seen in [[Zombie Fetch]] and [[Covert zombie operations]].
The "[[evicted]]" story is next. By revealing the pit in the basement, the hozz brothers are evicted.
This gets them to move to a new house, which allows Oswald to install his magic [[new front door]]. Soon afterwords the [[door swap]] series occurs, possibly never being completely resolved by the characters themselves.
This should get the hozz brothers firmly entrenched in the world of the fay, during which time they should begin doing some [[initial explorations]].