Great Tree

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Somewhat akin to Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Norse mythology, this tree grows at the center of TwinWorld. The Great Tree is intensely magical, and the source of many of the Fay's enchantments. It also sends roots deep into the Turmoil and captures valuable crystals and ores, which it both incorporates and exudes in its bark. Pools of water form near the trunk in special leaves, where water from the heart is captured and stored. Around its base, a vast and ancient forest grows. The uppermost leaves are scorched and dark from incursions of the Outer Fire. In this upper canopy, special shield leaves grow with a metalic crust which shades the lower branches from the heat and fury of the flames above. Above and among the branches are Sky Vine Forests, and some of the larger branches host forest glades of their own. Whole countries of Fay live in its branches, and the Zarth rely heavily on its roots.

Value to the Fayrie

The Fayrie draw their magic from many sources, but primarily from the Great Tree. In this way it is inextricably interwoven with the fabric of Fay culture and civilization. The Great Tree also provides The Fayrie with food and resources. It bears on its branches fruits of many kinds, and its wood is valued for its lightness and strength. In its bark are nodules of precious gems and valuable ores, brought up through roots from the deeps below, allowing access to many valuable minerals that would otherwise be inaccessible to the Fay.

Value to the Zarth

Although the Great Tree is most visible above ground, Zarth also revere it for the steadying effect the roots have on the soil and rock below the ground. Zarthaanc is a chaotic and dangerous place, and much of the Zarth effort goes into hewing stability out of Turmoil. It is told that the Zarth lived at first nestled in the roots of Great Tree, but as they grew more bold roamed ever further and further abroad.

Value to the Dragon

The dragon has claimed the very base of the Great Tree for his hoard. Here he gathers all beautiful and useful things.